Central United Methodist Church
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
A Place to Begin...Belong...Become

Previous CUMC Worship Service Videos

18  24 M

31 Mar 2021    24 Mar 2021  17 Mar 2021   14 Mar 2021   10 Mar 2021   03 Mar 2021

24 Feb 2021   17 Feb 2021

24 Dec 2020  

29 Nov 2020   22 Nov 2020  15 Nov 2020   08 Nov 2020  01 Nov 2020

25 Oct 2020   18 Oct 2020      11 Oct 2020    04 Oct 2020

27 Sept 2020   20 Sept 2020   13 Sept 2020    06 Sept 2020

30 Aug 2020;    23 Aug 2020;     16 Aug 2020;     09 Aug 2020;     02 Aug 2020;     

26 July 2020;    19 July 2020:     12 July 2020:     05 July 2020;     

28 June 2020;   21 June 2020;     14 June 2020;   07 June 2020;     

31 May 2020;   24 May 2020;     17 May 2020;     10 May 2020;     03 May 2020;     

26 Apr 2020;   20 Apr 2020;     12 Apr 20 (Easter Service)




All Services at 10 am


NURSERY     – Care for infants and toddlers is available in the nursery.  A cry room is also available at back of the sanctuary.  Please ask an usher for assistance

Cry room available during Worship 


Recorded Sermons:


John 15: 15

If you love me, you will keep my commandments